Paying for Graduate School
Teaching Assistantships
Many graduate programs offer teaching assistantships, which provide a stipend and tuition waiver. TA's may teach courses or labs under faculty direction, or assist with a faculty member's course.
Research Assistantships
Some students may be hired as Research Assistants (RAs) by faculty with external funding (grants). Contact the department for information on faculty members who have received grant funding.
Ross Travel Grant
The Graduate School awards funds to assist students with travel expenses related to attending professional conferences.
Research and Creative Activities Grants
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs awards grants for thesis research and other graduate student activities.
Financial Aid
Graduate students may be eligible for federal student loans. Even if you don't plan to take out loans, having a FAFSA on file may qualify you for tuition waivers or work study.
The Scholarship Center is your hub for information about searching and applying for scholarships. Some academic departments might have additional information.
Tuition and Fees
Your quarterly tuition and fees will depend on how many credits you are taking and which graduate program and location you attend.
Living in Bellingham
Most graduate students in Bellingham live off campus. Check with Off Campus Living and online rental listings to learn about typical costs.