Orientation and Trainings

Trainings, Orientations, and Resources

The Graduate School seeks to support our students through all phases of their graduate careers with timely information, opportunities, and resources.

New Student Info Sessions

We offer Zoom info sessions for incoming graduate students. Learn about new student basics like setting up your accounts, registration, parking and housing in Bellingham, student services, and more. Bring your questions!

Tuesday, August 13, 4:00 Pacific time

Register Here

Fall New Grad Student Orientation

Join us for an in-person session introducing grad school life and campus resources to support your success. You'll have the opportunity to:

  • Hear from second-year graduate students 
  • Visit the Kitto Graduate Student Hub
  • Learn about research, writing, and wellness resources
  • Tour the library
  • Meet with subject librarians in your discipline

Monday, September 23 

9:00 to 11:30

Miller Hall 138

Graduate School Resources and Information

This Canvas course is an online orientation and collection of resources that you can refer to throughout your time in graduate school at Western. Topics include student basics and campus resources; working with faculty; academic and career planning; impostor syndrome; finances; and more. You should automatically gain access to the course the week after confirming your admission.

Go to Online OrientationCourse

Teaching Assistant Resources

This Canvas course for Graduate Teaching Assistants is set up as a primer for first time TA's, helping you to get started in the classroom or lab. You can self-enroll at the course link below.

Go to First Time TA Course

Research Integrity

Graduate students conducting research as a Research Assistant or for a thesis or project may be required to complete appropriate training.

Research Integrity & Compliance administers these trainings and can answer your questions about requirements and processes.

Learn More